Gerald Weinstein is an accomplished historian and a photographer who specializes in large-format photography of industrial sites. His specific interest is in power generation, including electrical plants and steam engines. He has held office and is an active member of the Roebling Chapter, Society for Industrial Archeology and its national parent Society for Industrial Archeology.
As a long-time collector of photographs, documents, and books on the history of industry and engineering, Weinstein has created a private library comprised of rare educational treatises. Written by manufacturers and engineers of the early industrial age, these volumes often include an author’s measured drawings and designs, accompanied by illustrative engravings, lithographs and photographs. It is this distinctive collection, in tandem with Mr. Weinstein’s historical expertise and photographic skills, that form the basis of Archive of Industry.
left: Photo of the photographer/historian/industrial archeologist Gerald Weinstein by David Hodgson